Listen to an interview about this project on The Point with Mindy Todd

The Key Idea™, a community art project, has collected art pieces from Cape Cod students, residents and visitors. People from ages 1-100 created a piece of key inspired art and writing for a large-scale art exhibit at Cotuit Center for the Arts, Barnstable Town Hall and in schools across the Cape in the Fall 2015.
This multigenerational project explores what is important at different stages of life though the metaphor of a key. People of all ages participated by selecting a key, then creating a piece of art with a written explanation of what the key might open, start or do, alternatively what the key might secure or close.
Keys are objects that recall vivid memories and inspire powerful concepts.
We lock and unlock important things. This project explores what is important at various stages of life. The artwork that is included in the exhibits will be grouped sequentially by age. Each individual page will join other creative, thoughtful, funny, deep or introspective pieces to represent our community from our youngest though the most elderly. Events were planned throughout the year to encourage participation by people of all ages – everyone is creative with a story to tell. To date, over 2500 people have added their voices.
The Cape Cod and Islands Art Educators participated in this collaboration in schools from Provincetown to Bourne. Students from preschool age thorough college created their page in their art classrooms. Adults had the opportunity to participate through community centers, private parties and social groups. Families and visitors to the area enjoyed creating their art pieces at fairs and festivals throughout the year.
The exhibits
Keys: Connecting
United South End Settlement - Boston April 30 - May 8, 2016
Centerville Historical Museum February 19- March 26, 2016
Cape Cod Museum of Art: Through Young Eyes January 23 - April 3
Barnstable Town Hall October 30 - December 30
Cotuit Center for the Arts October 10 - November 22
Pauline Hopkins Gallery at Dennis Yarmouth High School September 1 - October 2
I was deeply moved by the people's response to The Key Idea. So very touching and inspirational. Good for you for creating this wonderful event! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of it.
Karen Onik
"Looking at the key makes me think of the word, openings. Keys open things and I am hoping mine brings new openness to acceptance of others-just the way they are..... no more judgements. Who would think that one little key could open up so many thoughts and possibilities? Great idea!
Maureen Grandmont
Unity Church
I am honored to be apart of such a large undertaking to unite and collaborate with our community in an art related fashion. It hits all my ideals when teaching. All my students in Sculpture and Advanced Sculpture were able to use your prompts to create five foot key sculptures with a variety of materials and expressed what their groups final message was relating to what the key was opening. I started with your drawing prompt and adapted to creating sculpture. We problem solved to suit our needs in the sculpture classroom. Thanks for sharing your idea and we are pleased to have been able to contribute. We are looking forward to incorporating many of the drawings with our sculptures in our gallery and possibly being a part of the Cotuit show.
Craig Brodt
Teacher DY High School
We were fortunate to have had The Key Idea™ project as an offering at the Families United Network (FUN) Program of Cape Cod Child Development's 15th Anniversary Celebration. Families, and their children of all ages, were invited into a special area set aside for creativity and expression by Lenore Lyons of the Cotuit Center for the Arts. The invitation was met with many people- young and old- expressing their thoughts, feelings and wishes with a common theme. Each creation was individual, yet universal. The participants each had an idea that they were invited to share and were able to open their minds, hearts and dreams with The Key Idea™. Thank you Lenore!
Mary Wilson/Coordinator
Families United Network Program Cape Cod Child Development
This multigenerational project explores what is important at different stages of life though the metaphor of a key. People of all ages participated by selecting a key, then creating a piece of art with a written explanation of what the key might open, start or do, alternatively what the key might secure or close.
Keys are objects that recall vivid memories and inspire powerful concepts.
We lock and unlock important things. This project explores what is important at various stages of life. The artwork that is included in the exhibits will be grouped sequentially by age. Each individual page will join other creative, thoughtful, funny, deep or introspective pieces to represent our community from our youngest though the most elderly. Events were planned throughout the year to encourage participation by people of all ages – everyone is creative with a story to tell. To date, over 2500 people have added their voices.
The Cape Cod and Islands Art Educators participated in this collaboration in schools from Provincetown to Bourne. Students from preschool age thorough college created their page in their art classrooms. Adults had the opportunity to participate through community centers, private parties and social groups. Families and visitors to the area enjoyed creating their art pieces at fairs and festivals throughout the year.
The exhibits
Keys: Connecting
United South End Settlement - Boston April 30 - May 8, 2016
Centerville Historical Museum February 19- March 26, 2016
Cape Cod Museum of Art: Through Young Eyes January 23 - April 3
Barnstable Town Hall October 30 - December 30
Cotuit Center for the Arts October 10 - November 22
Pauline Hopkins Gallery at Dennis Yarmouth High School September 1 - October 2
I was deeply moved by the people's response to The Key Idea. So very touching and inspirational. Good for you for creating this wonderful event! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of it.
Karen Onik
"Looking at the key makes me think of the word, openings. Keys open things and I am hoping mine brings new openness to acceptance of others-just the way they are..... no more judgements. Who would think that one little key could open up so many thoughts and possibilities? Great idea!
Maureen Grandmont
Unity Church
I am honored to be apart of such a large undertaking to unite and collaborate with our community in an art related fashion. It hits all my ideals when teaching. All my students in Sculpture and Advanced Sculpture were able to use your prompts to create five foot key sculptures with a variety of materials and expressed what their groups final message was relating to what the key was opening. I started with your drawing prompt and adapted to creating sculpture. We problem solved to suit our needs in the sculpture classroom. Thanks for sharing your idea and we are pleased to have been able to contribute. We are looking forward to incorporating many of the drawings with our sculptures in our gallery and possibly being a part of the Cotuit show.
Craig Brodt
Teacher DY High School
We were fortunate to have had The Key Idea™ project as an offering at the Families United Network (FUN) Program of Cape Cod Child Development's 15th Anniversary Celebration. Families, and their children of all ages, were invited into a special area set aside for creativity and expression by Lenore Lyons of the Cotuit Center for the Arts. The invitation was met with many people- young and old- expressing their thoughts, feelings and wishes with a common theme. Each creation was individual, yet universal. The participants each had an idea that they were invited to share and were able to open their minds, hearts and dreams with The Key Idea™. Thank you Lenore!
Mary Wilson/Coordinator
Families United Network Program Cape Cod Child Development